All-Out Brawl at Bad Bunny Concert in Texas

Some women who love Bad Bunny also love beating the hell out of each other … as a few vicious fights erupted at his Saturday night concert, momentarily stealing the show.
Bunny was oblivious to the violence as he performed at the American Airlines Center in Dallas — but the fists were flying as several female fans pummeled each other like they were playing Street Fighter.
Check out the wild video … 2 not-so-gentlewomen each grabbed handfuls of the other’s hair as one of them managed to fire off an absolute flurry of punches. If it was a UFC fight, the ref would’ve ended it, the beatdown was that brutal.
Meanwhile, right behind them, 2 other women were attacking — one of them knocking the other backward over the seats while punching her, and several men tried their best to break it up.
Throughout the ordeal, Bunny kept singing — the fighting was too far from the stage for him to see — but the fans in this section definitely had their attention split … between Bunny and the brawl.
By the way … the person shooting the footage mentioned this was the second battle royale of the evening. If this was the rematch, gotta wonder how savage the opening fight was.
It’s unclear if anyone was arrested or required medical treatment … but it looks like at least 2 women in the crowd will be sporting black eyes today.